Environmentally Safe Wastewater Treatment Solutions

Our Products

municipal wastewater treatment products

Municipal Wastewater

Our line of DRP Accelerator™ products is an environmentally friendly wastewater treatment solution for municipal wastewater plans, lift stations, sludge tanks, and lagoons. 

The proven benefits of DRP Accelerator™ include: 

  • Eliminate odors to relative zero for a healthier (and complaint-free) community around your wastewater treatment assets
  • Reduce organic solids by up to 50% to significantly reduce cleanup and disposal costs and increase system throughput
  • Prevent the production of H2S gas to improve safety, eliminate related odors, and reduce corrosion to equipment and tanks
Accelerator by Dr. Pooper® Liquid and Drain Field Cleaner tablets

Home & Commercial Septic

Accelerator by Dr. Pooper® products are completely safe and non-toxic for people, pets, plants, and the environment. 


Our customers trust Accelerator by Dr. Pooper® Liquid and Drain Field Cleaner to clear organic clogs and sludge from their entire systems and keep them clean. 


We've taken a comprehensive approach to cleaning septic systems, offering products that clean the pipes, tank, and the drain field -- the entire septic system. 


Our customers save thousands of dollars by using Accelerator by Dr. Pooper® for maintenance to keep their systems flowing smoothly, and by rejuvenating failed drain fields to get them flowing properly again instead of replacing them. 

Part of the Wastewater Industry

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Accelerator by Dr. Pooper® Liquid and Drain Field Cleaner tablets
made in america septic treatments
scientifically developed to increase the reproduction of bacteria